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Carnivalize the Matter: Vibration, Electricity and Molecularity is a multidisciplinary, alchemical and artistic experiment that seeks to decompose and de-represent images, sounds, texts and things as a way of experiencing their vibrations.

A demiurge-alchemical-scientist investigates the constitution of matter in his laboratory. Does matter think? Do objects speak? Does a broken fan have a soul? The purpose of this lab is to subvert relationships between body and thing or creator and creature, making room for the insignificance and uselessness of things based on their (de)composition. Let's listen to the soul-vibration of things.

The project is part of a work-in-regress device called Devising minor worlds: agency and (de)composition in real-time by Grupo Desvio from Brazil, which is currently developing this project in New York. It is a real-time creation device that proposes to investigate the ontology of objects and nature, displacing human subjectivity from the center to the margins. A device decomposed by countless objects, cameras, lights, microphones, technologies, useless and garbage. The project is not interested in what things represent, but in what they evoke from their form and agency.

This program is made possible by the New York City Artist Corps

Cast and Crew

Presented by Grupo Desvio

Director, performance and lighting designer: Rodrigo Fischer

Dramaturg and assistant director: Gil Roberto

Art director, graphic designer and props designer: Yasmin Santana

Costume designer and props designer: Patrícia Marjorie

Video designer: Brent Felker

Sound designer: Marcio Monteiro

Producer and marketing director: Gio Mielle

October 17th at 6pm at  Theaterlab (357 W 36th St, 3rd floor, New York, NY)

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