Doomocracy | Performance | New York - NYC, United States
Role: Performer
Character: End of the World
Directed by Meghan Finn
Written by Pedro Reyes
Doom•oc•ra•cy (dü-ˈmä-krə-sē), n.
1. A form of government in which the supreme power is vested in a tyrant by a terrified general electorate. 2. The esoteric arithmetic that makes the electoral process malleable. 3. A corporate coup d’état in slow motion. 4. Permanent global war waged in the name of freedom. 5. A house of political horrors at the Brooklyn Army Terminal from October 7 to November 6, 2016.
Exchanging political fights for political frights, Creative Time and Pedro Reyes took over the Brooklyn Army Terminal this fall in an exciting collaboration. Doomocracy, a major new immersive installation by Reyes, marked the confluence of two events haunting the American cultural imagination: Halloween and the presidential election.
Opened to the public Oct. 7, running through Halloween, and concluding just days before the 2016 presidential election, Doomocracy occupied a vital moment in US history, offering the perfect platform and location to create real dialogue around the contemporary state of global and US politics. Doomocracy was curated by Nato Thompson and directed by Meghan Finn, and was free and open to the public.
David Gould, Cop
Jonathan Swain, Cop
Matt Baguth, Cop
Jonny Maldonado, Cop & Swing
Marjorie Conn, Voting Poll Receptionist
Gregg Rizzo, Vote Shredder
Jenny Tibbels, Housewife Bristol
Sammy Tunis, Housewife Piper
Monique Vukovic, Soccer Mom Junkie
Quinlan Corbett, Doctor
Matthew Korahais, Coffin Salesman
Chloe Sirene, Board Room Executive
Charlie Gorrilla, Cocktail Party Host
Mia Jessup, Cocktail Party Host
Kenard Jackson, Cocktail Party Attendee
Judylee Vivier, Cocktail Party Attendee
Andrew R. Butler, Hipster Chocolatier
Rena Anakwe, Amee/Jimee-Teacher
Carolina Do, Artisanal Air Saleswoman
Lacy Rose, Pregnant Goth Girl
Megan Ermilio, Cheerleader/Picketer
Arielle Gonzalez, Cheerleader/Picketer
Shashwat Gupta, Climate Change Elevator Operator
Yasmin Santana Chaves, Segway Harvester
Clara Kundin, Smokey the Bear Harvester
Joseph Gregori, Park Ranger
Siraj Huda, Drone-Strike Family Member
Aida Aminpour, Drone-Strike Family Member
Michael Golino, Drone Pilot & Swing
Brantley Ivey, Hillary Soccer Head & Swing
Dan Sheynin, Trump Soccer Head
Robert Montana, Sandwich Board Man
Keelie Sheridan, Associate Director & Swing
Moema Umann, Assistant Director & Swing
Mariah Sanchez, Assistant Stage Manager
Amanda Tralle, Production Assistant
Arysbells Figuerdo, Production Assistant
Josephine Rose Ronga, Production Assistant
Nora Kaye, Production Assistant
Elizabeth Scopel, Production Assistant
Julia Veeh, Production Assistant
Hilary Dare, Production Assistant